Caramel Kiss <3

Flowers for Algernon

by.... (i forgot who the author was!! someone contact me!!!)

Charlie, who has an unusually low IQ (means he's handicapped), is eager to study and impress his teacher. He works at a bakery. One day, a group of scientists asks him if he wants to get smarter. Charlie said yes, and he gets a surgery that made him smart. He notices that he had been made fun of by his so-called friends. He finds out about love and sex. But suddenly, the rat named algernon who got the same surgery as charlie detoriates.... what will happen to charlie?


by Stephenie Meyer

This book, you may know because of the movie and its major hit.  I persoally love this book, that i read it in 3 or 4 days.

This book is about a girl, Isabella (Bella) Swan, who goes to live in a small town called Forks to live with her father, Charlie. At first she is depressed by all of the rain and wetness, untill she meets Edward Cullen. She fell in love with him, and he with her. But bella discovers that Edward is a vampire.

in this book, there's plenty of romance and action!! I recomment this book!!!!!!

The Subtle Nife

His Dark Materials book2

by Phillip Pullman

This is the sequel to the Golden Compass.

Lyra meets a brave boy from another world, where there is no daemons. The name of the boy is will. Will spent most of his life hiding, blending into his surroundings. But now, he must fight with Lyra to survive. He is handed down the subtle nife, which is capable of cutting anything, even cutting a route to another world they do not know.

The Golden Compass

His Dark Marterials book 1

by Phillip Pullman

This book is about an adventurous girl name Lyra and her daemon, Pantalaimon.  One day, Lyra is given a gold item that looks like a compass. Suddenly, she is thrust into a  perilious adventure, consisting of armored bears, witches, friendship, bravery, and unmerciful enemies.  Will lyra find out what "Dust" is?

Ender's Game

by Orson Scott Card

The Earth is under attack again!!!! Ender attends battle school and command school to prepare the attack of the aliens, the  "buggers". Ender is considered a commander genius. But he is not willing to be a torturere like his older brother, Peter.  He's also being isolated by others so that he would not be able to befriend or rely on anybody. He's angry at the adults, who have complete control over his life. The adults who are in charge of the battle schools are controling Ender's beloved older sister, Valentine too. Is it really the buggers who he's going to fight? He wonders that as he unwillingly continues attending his schools in space.  Read the book to find out how it ends!

My Sister's Keeper

by Jody Poulout


it's about this girl who has had cancer since she was 2 and they had to have a sister or brother with the same blood type and bone marrow an so on but then when the sisters gets older she thinks that she has her own choose to give her kidney away or not. so there is a big court case. don't want to tell you the end because it will wreck the story for you.

I, Robot

by issac asimov    short stories

this book has many short stories told in a special kind of style... a young reporter is interviewing dr.calvin, a robot phycologist who's over 80years old. dr.calvin tells stories of the past, what had happened with robots when it was first invented. some stories include a mad robot, a robot made to look like human and act like one, and with soft skin,  a robot that got lost in space, and so on.

Huckleberry Finn

by mark twain

i'm not quiet finished with the book yet...